CONGRATULATIONS: The Cincinnati Reds star Elly de la Cruz has been given MLB iron man of the season,fans and well wishes celebrated.…….
CONGRATULATIONS: The Cincinnati Reds star Elly de la Cruz has been given MLB iron man of the season,fans and well wishes celebrated.…….
CONGRATULATIONS: The Cincinnati Reds star Elly de la Cruz has been given MLB iron man of the season,fans and well wishes celebrated.…….
Oswalt, who was a three-time All-Star pitcher with the Astros, isn’t alone in wanting Bregman back.
Astros second baseman Jose Altuve, manager Joe Espada and general manager Dana Brown have all expressed a desire to have Bregman return. But the decision won’t be up to them.
Whether or not the Astros pay up big money to retain Bregman is an ownership decision that will likely be made by Jim Crane. Houston historically has not given out huge contracts under him, and Bregman is in line for a big one.
Matt Chapman just got a six-year, $151 million extension from the Giants, and many would regard Bregman as a better player. Bregman stands to earn more than that.
Will Houston be the club to pay him? That remains to be seen for the two-time All-Star.