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“They were just lies” – Jurgen Klopp praises the role of journalists in CL’s final conclusions



Jurgen Klopp rules out four Liverpool players ahead of Newcastle game

Jurgen Klopp has now responded to the findings of an independent inquiry into the events of last season’s Champions League final.

Just hours before Monday night’s Merseyside derby, UEFA’s damning report was finally made public, giving Liverpool fans credit for saving lives, while condemning UEFA and the French police for their failures.

Klopp was asked about the report during his post-game press conference, but he didn’t comment until he had some time to process the review.

And the Liverpool manager has now expressed his relief after the results confirmed what everyone knew, which is that UEFA and the French authorities are putting so many lives at risk.

“I think it’s extremely important that it’s finally official, let’s put it that way,” Klopp told the club’s official website. “I’m not sure, at least in my life, there has never been a case with more evidence that I knew more unless I was directly involved because I was on the other side of the wall in the stadium, yeah.

You were wrong.

“It was all lies. So I’m really happy that it’s finally been officially said.”

Klopp also highlighted the role journalists played in ensuring the truth came out, with many witnessing firsthand what Liverpool fans were exposed to outside the stadium before and after the game.

“The only good thing about all the bad things that happened there was that there were a lot of journalists in that crowd,” he continued. “So independent, no Liverpool shirt, just being there and wanting to do their job and they knew exactly it was wrong and I think that helped because otherwise they probably would have had to deal with that too.

“I think we were really lucky that nothing more happened.

“It was a day, I’m not sure how to put it, but the day of ‘goodwill lies’ – when you have to lie to protect the other person.

“Because we all got messages from our people outside before the game and then the game got delayed, so we started looking at the smartphone again, ‘What’s going on?’ We knew because people couldn’t come in and everyone was like, ‘No, I’m fine, I’m fine…’ and nobody was fine, nobody was fine. “Then the match started and I heard about people that all those who were in the stadium were only there and thought:” I did it in a way, Wow. “

“It was not the mood in which you are if you want to see a final of the Champions League.”

He thanked Liverpool fans who were involved in chaos because he “remained calm” in a night when football was finally out of words.

“Thank you very much. Stay calm in a situation where nobody can really stay calm, the essence in your eyes, the pressure from the front, from the side, from behind, between thousands of people and not to push like crazy, Stay calm, a huge thing is and an extremely difficult thing to do, “added Klopp.

“And then going out and blaming it’s terrible. It’s really terrible. So there is some work to be done and I hope they get it right because these type of events should be a pure joy to watch.

“You pay a lot of money, it’s a lot of work to qualify, then you go there, everything is in a good mood and in the end you’re just happy that you somehow get to the stadium when you’ve made it.

“When you hear it for the first time, you can’t believe it, that everything happened in that moment, but it did. So, yeah, there’s a lot to improve and I hope everyone has learned from that.”
